Colori di Parole e Opere

Art desiner grafic opera today 2021 _ joing all for art

grafic art work _ Lucia Drago

This is a today art grafic realisation were the liner and th eprospect fo the mouving across a espressions were the desiner just as began for a communcation were the spaces of the grafic espression as justly  color of the mouving were the colors as altrouguth all music were the topic of a grafic performances just  as  a music sound of the image were we need to write and were we need to represent in freedom _  is  so evident that on th eideative art   performance  for the topic all grafic espression as altrouguth the freedon of the action  wer were the art just as a mouving that search to enjoy all life color and were if just the today situation in the  worlds were all tragdies like the cov  19 d that as tuch more victimes  in the   worlds regret and were they  sufference  were they isolation as lost they lifes innocences  in  all  tragedies so this  terribol true realites of the cov 19 d  were just the art and the music and the all worlds can’t never lost the victimes undenrs this cov 19 d _ this draws just  is just the time for the today sitation were the hope of all futures just is  today  can never lost or forghet who more of thosoe men women  or peopol are regret deceided undners the cov 19 d and were we today just with the  art and the music  and the all art espressions just we are for the peopol the means  of the art is to have a comunications with the peopol and so with the worlds the tragdeis of the cov 19 d i s the tragedies all all prodactions and all creations of art music and performances were there aren’t the topic of all comucations so the peopol _

SO do a art action joing  agree the  best green pass and dress the mask _

SO thank  to share art and thank to all _

Art desiner grafic opera today 2021 _ joing all for artultima modifica: 2021-12-06T23:01:48+01:00da
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